Case 2: Haplotype-Resolved
This describes Case 2 of the three input cases:
- Case 1: An unresolved primary assembly with associated contigs (the output of FALCON 2-asm) or without (e.g., the output of Canu or wtdbg2).
- Case 2: A haplotype-resolved but unpolished set (e.g., the output of FALCON-Unzip 3-unzip).
- Case 3: IDEAL! A haplotype-resolved, CLR long-read, Arrow-polished set of primary and alternate contigs (e.g., the output of FALCON-Unzip 4-polish).
Example Dataset
We have listed some example files to test the pipeline based on Chromosome 30 Hzea at
Case 2 will take primary assembly from the FALCON/3-unzip
Param | Files | Download link |
--primary_assembly | "all_p_ctg.fasta" | all_p_ctg.fasta |
--alternate_assembly | "all_h_ctg.fasta" | all_h_ctg.fasta |
--mitochondrial_assembly | "GCF_022581195.2_ilHelZeax1.1_mito.fa" | GenBank download fasta |
--illumina_reads | "testpolish_{R1,R2}.fastq" | testpolish_R1.fastq, testpolish_R2.fastq |
--pacbio_reads | "test.1.filtered.bam" | test.1.filtered.bam_.gz |
Note: The PacBio Reads (test.1.filtered.bam_.gz
) must be decompressed before running the pipeline.
gunzip -dc test.1.filtered.bam_.gz > test.1.filtered.bam
Recommended parameters
nextflow run isugifNF/polishCLR -r main \
--primary_assembly "all_p_ctg.fasta" \
--alternate_assembly "all_h_ctg.fasta" \
--mitochondrial_assembly "GCF_022581195.2_ilHelZeax1.1_mito.fa" \
--illumina_reads "*_{R1,R2}.fastq" \
--pacbio_reads "test.1.filtered.bam" \
--step 1 \
--falcon_unzip true \
-profile slurm \
Note: On some browsers, the dashes (-) and underscores (_) can be copied incorrectly. So if you run into an error that says not valid in the pipeline
try manually retyping those parameters.
Step 2 runs another round of Arrow polishing with the PacBio reads, then polishes with short-reads with two rounds of FreeBayes. We broke these two steps into seperate phases to allow for manual scaffolding.
Provide the purged primary primary_purged.fa
and alternate contigs haps_purged.fa
from purge_dups, and mitochondrial genome mitochondrial.fasta
as input to step 2.
If scaffolding data, like Hi-C, are available to you, you should scaffold the primary_purged.fa
and provide that as input for the --primary_assembly
Regardless don't forget to include parameter flags --step 2
and resume
to this command.
nextflow run isugifNF/polishCLR -r main \
--primary_assembly "primary_purged.fa" \
--alternate_assembly "haps_purged.fa" \
--mitochondrial_assembly "data/mitochondrial.fasta" \
--illumina_reads "*_{R1,R2}.fastq" \
--pacbio_reads "test.1.filtered.bam" \
--step 2 \
-profile slurm \