How to I check that software dependencies are available?
Use the --check_software
flag to print out paths to software dependencies and their versions:
nextflow run isugifNF/polishCLR -r main \
--check_software \
-profile local
Which should print out something like:
N E X T F L O W ~ version 22.04.5
Pulling isugifNF/polishCLR ...
downloaded from
Launching `` [amazing_lamarck] DSL2 - revision: e0325a97a5 [main]
executor > local (1)
[38/26cb53] process > check_software [100%] 1 of 1 ✔
===== Dependencies check =====
parallel .... good. GNU parallel 20160622
bzcat .... good. bzip2, a block-sorting file compressor. Version 1.0.8, 13-Jul-2019.
pigz .... good. pigz 2.6
meryl .... good. meryl 1.3
pbmm2 .... good. pbmm2 1.9.0 Using: pbmm2 : 1.9.0 (commit v1.9.0) pbbam : 2.1.0 (commit v2.1.0) pbcopper : 2.0.0 (commit v2.0.0-54-g1ce9870) boost : 1.77 htslib : 1.15 minimap2 : 2.15 zlib : 1.2.11
minimap2 .... good. 2.24-r1122
samtools .... good. samtools 1.15.1
gcpp .... good. gcpp 2.0.2-2.0.2
bwa-mem2 .... good. bwa-mem v
freebayes .... good. version: v1.3.6
bcftools .... good. bcftools 1.15.1
merfin .... good. merfin 1.0
pbcstat .... good. Usage: aa_pb [options] <PAF_FILE> ...
calcuts .... good. Usage: calcuts [<options>] <STAT> ...
split_fa .... good. Usage: split_fa [<options>] <STAT> ...
purge_dups .... good. Version: 1.2.5
get_seqs .... good. Usage: get_seqs [<options>] <DUPs.BED> <FASTA>
gzip .... good. gzip 1.12
busco .... good. BUSCO 5.4.2
or some combination of software ... need to install.
What does "[Pipeline error] Parameter(s) […] is(are) not valid in the pipeline!" mean?
If you receive an error similar to:
N E X T F L O W ~ version 22.04.5
Launching `` [focused_sax] DSL2 - revision: 98b864ca3a [check_valid_params]
[Pipeline error] Parameter(s) [other, mito] is(are) not valid in the pipeline!
You may have mispelled one of the parameters. By default, Nextflow quietly ignores any misspelled or extra parameters. Since polishCLR sometimes requires quite a number of files/parameters, it was necessary to add an "unrecognized parameter" catch-all kind of error.
Right now the valid parameters are hardcoded in a parameters_valid
set within
def parameters_valid = ['help','monochrome_logs','outdir',
'queue-size', 'cluster-options',
'purge_dups_params','busco_params','check_software','profile'] as Set
You can also trigger this error by using empty input and extra flags such as --other
and --mito
mkdir data
cd data
touch pri.fa alt.fa mit.fa ill_R1.fastq.bz2 ill_R2.fastq.bz2 pac.subreads.bam
cd ..
nextflow run isugifNF/polishCLR \
--primary_assembly data/pri.fa \
--alternate_assembly data/alt.fa \
--mitochondrial_assembly data/mit.fa \
--illumina_reads "data/ill_{R1,R2}.fastq.bz2" \
--pacbio_reads data/pac.subreads.bam \
--species "BugName" \
--k "21" \
--falcon_unzip true \
--step 1 \
-stub-run \
-profile local \
--other hi --mito "doesn't_exist"
What are the default parameters for subtools?
Param | Description |
--parallel_params | Parameters passed to parallel executable [default: ‘ -j 2 ‘] |
--pbmm2_params | Parameters passed to pbmm2 align [default: ‘'] |
--minimap2_params | Parameters passed to minimap2 -xmap-pb or -xasm5 [default: ‘ ‘] |
--gcpp_params | Parameters passed to gcpp [defqault: ‘ -x 10 -X 120 -q 0 ‘] |
--bwamem2_params | Parameters passed to bwamem2 [default: ‘ -SP ‘] |
--freebayes_params | Parameters passed to freebayes [default: ‘ –min-mapping-quality 0 –min-coverage 3 –min-supporting-allele-qsum 0 –ploidy 2 –min-alternate-fraction 0.2 –max-complex-gap 0 ‘] |
--purge_dups_params | Parameters passed to purge_dups [default: ‘ -2 -T p_cufoffs ‘] |
--busco_params | Parameters passed to busco [default: ‘ -l insecta_odb10 -m genome -f ‘] |
--merfin_params | Parameters passed to merfin executable [default: ‘ ‘] |
The values of these parameters can also be viewed using the --help
flag. One the parameters you may want to modify include --busco_params
which is currently set to lineage insecta_odb10 (-l insecta_odb10
) .You may want to select a more specific lineage so that BUSCO runs faster. Other alignment parameters may also be optimized for your particular compute envirnment or based on something specific to your alignments.